
Wood is an organic material which is used in different Item. Like doors, furniture, and Frames etc. It’s also used as fuel. It is also an important part of the construction of building and boats. In began human make Shelter and houses and board. In the early 19th century mostly board contains on wood material only. Now a day’s wood made furniture is commonly used in our houses.

Wood Flooring:

A floor with solid wood can make your place more beautiful. Solid wood flooring is best and cheaper than timber and damaged and refurbished repeatedly. The solid wood floor is used for structural purposes.


Kitchen is the main part of our house. Our health depends on kitchen work, what we make in it and what we eat. Its beauty depends on the work which we have done in it, like woodwork or metalwork. In Modern age mostly peoples like woodwork in their kitchen. Working with wood in the kitchen is to make the kitchen more attractive. For this purpose a wood named meranti wood is common.

Dining Room:

A room which is used for the consumption of food in the dining room. It is a must in every house and the decoration of this room is uncompleted without dining table and chair set. The dining room is the only room where al family member is come to eat anything. We use mostly wooden dining table set in this room for the decoration.

Dining Table:

It is also a part of the furniture. A wooden dining table set historically consists of a long table which are two legs and un-armed number of chairs. It’s specially designed for eating purpose. In the modern era, it is the most important part of a furnished kitchen. The material used for manufacturing is commonly wood, Glass, and Metal. Wood which is mostly getting from Walnut trees is best for making it.

Type of Wood:

Different Types of Wood are used in Furniture. They look beautiful according to their Style. But the best one wood is Used for furniture is Meranti wood. Its beauty is un-computable. Meranti wood has worldwide commercial Importance. Meranti wood is used in light structural framing and low-cost furniture. Mostly Timber retailers widely stock meranti plywood in a variety of thickness.

Meranti wood Usage:

Meranti wood is mostly used in furniture due to its beauty. It is easy to use in machines, cuts, and mill. Due to a certain amount of silica in meranti, it has a dulling effect of woodworking. In the finishing of any item or building structure which basis on wood is meranti wood is the best option. Its light-red color can make your project more attractive.

What we are representing:

We are working on Furniture to decorate your house at a low cost with quality products. Our professional carpenter is providing meranti table in Different styles and Size. You can decorate your kitchen with dining meeting table which we make with pure meranti wood. Feel free to contact us to get your meranti table at low cost and durable quality.